
An Invite to Attend…

It is my pleasure to invite you to the next meeting of the Australasian Begg Society of Orthodontists to be held in Darwin, Northern Territory from 25 to 27 July 2019.  The meeting will commence with a Welcome Reception on the 24th July.

ABSO meetings embrace all clinical philosophies, persuasions and techniques and invitations are open to all registered orthodontists and post-graduate students across the globe.

Our keynote speakers will be Carlos Flores-Mir and Bjorn Ludwig. These speakers will lead a vibrant scientific program with a broad range of presenters from academia and clinical practice. Social interaction is an important component of learning and the social program will cater for all.

The ABSO continues to support our post graduate researchers and future specialist clinicians and encourage their participation in the camaraderie of the orthodontic profession. Furthermore, the presentations of post-graduate research are a plus for orthodontists in clinical practice to continue their learning for contemporary practice.

The committee of the ABSO looks forward to seeing you in Darwin as an escape from the southern winter temperatures and the promise of a friendly, informative and fun meeting.

John Fricker OAM
President, Australasian Begg Society of Orthodontists