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ABSO Timor L’Este Cleft Lip and Palate Project


Please consider a donation to our project to help the Cleft Lip and Palate patients in Timor L’Este. We are the only group doing this orthodontic work in Timor L’Este.

You can donate in one of two ways:

  1. Donate direct to the Australasian Begg Society of Orthodontists.
    100% of this money goes to our project. This donation is not tax deductable at present.

    BSB: 035 002
    Account Number: 517521
    East Timor Account

  2. Tax deductable donations can be made through a donation to the
    Rotary/Lions Timor L’Este Dental Program

    Find  and scroll down to Donate.
    The project number is 110/2004-05.
    In the remarks, write ABSO CLP Project.

    This way we can identify the donation as being for the ABSO CLP project.
    You should also let me know so I can follow up the donation.

 You can be assured that your donation will be gratefully received and put to good use!

Thank you,

Mark Leedham AM
ABSO Timor L’Este CLP Project Co-ordinator