

Dr Tung Nguyen

University of North Carolina, USA

— Keynote Speaker —

Dr. Tung Nguyen completed his dental training at Tufts University and received his master’s degree and Certificate in Orthodontics at the University of North Carolina. He completed the William R Proffit Teaching Fellowship before joining the faculty at the University of North Carolina.  He is the Zaytoun Endowed Professor and Program Director at UNC, a Diplomate of the American Board of Orthodontics and a member of the Angle Society of Orthodontists.  He received the BF and Helen Dewel Award for best clinical research from the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics for the work done on Class III bone anchors and Milo Hellman award from the AAO for best research in 2014.  Dr. Nguyen has over 100 publications and book chapters and has lectured nationally and internationally.  His research interests are 3D imaging, technology and dentofacial orthopedics.


Dr Roberto Carrillo

— Keynote Speaker —

Dr. Roberto Carrillo obtained his dental degree from the UANL Dental School in Mexico. He received his Orthodontic Certificate, Master of Science and PhD Degree in Craniofacial Biology from TEXAS A&M College of Dentistry, focusing on Craniofacial Growth modification using skeletal anchorage in hyperdivergent patients.

Dr. Carrillo is a member of the Edward H. Angle Society of Orthodontist, the AAO and the Mexican Association of Orthodontist. He served as a commissioner on the Scientific Affairs for the Mexican Association of Orthodontist from 2014-2023. He is a Diplomat of the American Board of Orthodontists and the Mexican Board of Orthodontists.

Dr. Carrillo has been a speaker multiple times at the AAO Annual Meeting and AAO Winter Meeting, Biennial & Annual Angle Society Meetings, Annual Mexican Association Meeting, Spain Society of Aligners and many other international (Europe and Latam) orthodontic organization meetings. He has been honored by special awards by the AAO, The EH Angle Society and Texas A&M College of Dentistry for his publications and currently serves as a reviewer for The Angle Orthodontist, AJODO, and EO.

Since 2005, he serves as an Adjunct Assistant Professor for TEXAS A&M Graduate Orthodontic Dept in Dallas, Texas and is a faculty member at UANL Orthodontic Department and at the ITESM Dental School in Mexico. He practices together with his dad in their office in San Pedro Garza Garcia, Mexico, were together they have developed the Aliwell Clear Aligner System, several orthodontic aligner products and orthodontic patents.