ABSO AGM, 22 July 2017

Following our last meeting in Broome I was elected as President for the ABSO for the 2016-2017 period up to this meeting in Hamilton Island.

I have been very lucky that much work had already been done by the previous executive in planning and programming this meeting and my thanks to our Past President Pat Hannan and his executive of Simon Freezer and Darren Di Ilulio.

This conference has been brought forward from the usual two year interval to one year to alternate with the ASO Conferences and thus create a less crowded conference timetable.

My particular concern over the last 12 months have been protection of the collection with the Begg Musuem at the Adelaide Dental Hospital due to renovations.  Discussions also included Dr Begg’s family and the final decision was to move the museum collection for future opportunities to display it publically.

The East Timor Project has also been a passion of mine and I am delighted to report that through the hard work of Mark Leedham and Jeff Swann the roster of orthodontists has been finalised to visit Dili and the first cleft patient has been banded up.

My thanks to the strong support I have had from Simon Freezer, John Mewing, Stephen Langford, Andrew Savundra and Rachel Mathew. Not forgotten is Lara our events manager who together with the committee have put together this excellent meeting.


John Fricker
Australasian Begg Society of Orthodontists

AuthorShane Keane